We are haldin

Over 30 years in delivering
the goodness of nature


The journey began more than thirty years ago when our founder, Alisjahbana Haliman started his vanilla importing business in New Jersey, United States of America.

In the following years, haldin learned and adopted the techniques and technology needed to value add and transform the company. With the right know-how, it built processing facilities and assembled a competent research and development team, and eventually relocated the whole operations to Indonesia. Today, haldin’s end to end capability delivers new and innovative products, managing the whole value chain from the origin, converting the raw materials all the way into products that are found on the labels of consumers brands.

Servicing a diverse industries, haldin’s portfolio consist of natural building blocks, all in one products and products and solution for the food service industry.

Our belief

Nature will continue to provide us with adequate resources as long as we utilize them wisely and ensure its sustainability.

Our purpose

Delivering products that improve the quality of life and wellbeing of the people around us.

Our technology

Nature is our soul. We aim to use technology that is friendly to nature.

Our origin

Being "at the origin" means that we procure raw materials directly from the community. We engage them throughout the development process, from responsible sourcing based on good agricultural practice to producing the final natural products.

Beneficial functional plants

Supporting healthy lifestyle

Our Partners

Journey with farmers

Adding value with functional product

Highlighting Butterfly Pea & Green Coffee


Because 8 billion people have only 1 planet

Zero emission initiative

Journey to zero emission

Commitment to reduce carbon footprint

Zero burning practice to protect environment

Organic products

Organic Citronella
July 8, 2024

Haldin Natural at ICI 2024: Your Partner in Crafting Natural Beauty Products

The Indonesia Cosmetic Ingredients (ICI) event, held by PERKOSMI on 29-31 May 2024 at JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta, was a great opportunity for haldin natural to connect with business owners who

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