Adding value with functional product

Haldin provides various functional products that are able to bring health value to the consumer’s products, this value becomes more relevant as the trend says people are more aware of their well-being and expect daily products to catch their needs. The value that was previously only mandatory in the pharmaceutical industry is now important to the beverage, dairy, and bakery industries. Eventually, people realize natural functional products are the answer to keeping their body fit.

Among our functional products, there are two that are worth highlighting because their potential makes them getting more relevant in the near future. They are Butterfly Pea Powder Extract (10003560) and Green Coffee Powder Extract (10001244). What are these two functional products’ potentials? We will dive into it.

After FDA permitted the use of butterfly peas as a natural coloring in beverages, confectionery, and dairy products. There are many possibilities for new product development to attract consumers while giving health value. Butterfly pea offers more than their gorgeous color; it is a natural antioxidant source. The benefits from it include stabilizing blood sugar, supporting healthy skin, and promoting weight loss. Our Butterfly Pea Powder is applicable for dairy and beverage products.

Extend the health value with Green Coffee Powder Extract which offers various benefits. It helps with cognitive function, mood balance, anti-aging, blood glucose regulation, and improved blood pressure. From the consumer’s point of view, products with green coffee content appeal to mental wellness (based on 47% of consumers in India), energy boosting (based on 28% of consumers in Canada), and antioxidant sources (based on 52% of consumers in Thailand). It is a worldwide trend.

Visit our Functional products and the sample of Butterfly Pea Powder Extract, Green Coffee Powder Extract, or other products.